
Redwater: Driving Innovation and Sustainability

Located adjacent to the town of Redwater, approximately 50 km northeast of Edmonton, the Redwater field is a cornerstone of Conifer's operations. As one of Alberta’s historic oil fields, Redwater has a rich legacy of resource development and continues to play a critical role in Conifer’s portfolio.

redwater aerial

History of the Redwater Field

  • Discovered by Imperial Oil in 1948, the Redwater Leduc D3 Pool was Alberta’s second major Devonian Reef oil field.
  • By 1953, it was producing 21,000 bbls/day from over 900 wells, contributing nearly 30% of Alberta’s oil output.
  • Peak sustained production occurred in the early 1970s, reaching over 150,000 bbls/day.

Redwater Today

  • 2,630 boe/day of light gravity crude oil and Natural Gas liquids is produced through 280 wells (92% oil).
  • Managed by a team of 30 full-time personnel who ensure safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible operations.
Plant Sunset

Why Redwater Matters

The Redwater oil pool is well suited technically and geographically for a CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Project and represents the best of Conifer's approach to balancing operational excellence with environmental responsibility.

  • Legacy Production: Redwater has been a key contributor to Alberta’s energy industry since 1948, with ongoing production that benefits local communities and the provincial economy.
  • Commitment to Safety: Investments in asset integrity and environmental stewardship ensure the field operates sustainably and responsibly.
  • Strategic Advantage: Redwater’s proximity to Alberta’s Industrial Heartland positions it to contribute meaningfully to the region’s energy transition initiatives.
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